Czy doświadczenie estetyczne jest ucieczką w fikcję? Między performatywnością a faktycznością

Iwona Lorenc


The intention objective of this the article is pointing out dangers lying in succumbing to the philosophical ‘trend’ describing performativity as a category which serves not only as descriptive but also repairing aidremedy towards issuesfor problems that man stumbles upon in the times of late modernity. Especially for those which peak culminate in the fictionalization phenomena (and accompanying accompanied byit aestheticization and theatralization) of reality and the crisis of causative capacity of the subject.

Nevertheless, if joint intentiona common objective of researchers of the performative model and philosophers undertaking research on aesthetic experience were to regain the connection with the facticity of life, then the aesthetic and the performative are would be bound together in a deep, essential meaning. This boundThe possibility, however, slips the mind ofis being disregarded by the majority of researchers of the performative turn.

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