Księga Arystotelesa O sprawiedliwości (Eth. Nic. V)

Marian Andrzej Wesoły


We propose here a new Polish translation of the Fifth Book of the Nicomachean Ethics in a rendition as close to the Greek original as possible. The book covers in depth the topics of justice and injustice in terms, distinctions and assumptions that are typical of Aristotle. For the sake of clarity, we highlight the chapters with various appropriate thematic headings. The introductory note is intended to prepare the reader for the difficult text that teems with important conceptual links and sophisticated lines of argument. The crucial things is how the Stagirite forms an original module of various types of justice that could be viewed as a certain algorithm because it is based on the principle of opposites in the differentiation of equality – inequality, measure and proportions. This decision makes it possible for Aristotle to characterize the various political systems in the books of the Politics. Justice is not only a community benefit but also the very basis of political stability.

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