Twórczość Karola Marksa w świetle krytyki Mikołaja Bierdiajewa

Bartosz Hordecki


The Karl Marx’s legacy (1818–1883) posed a challenge for subsequent generations of intellectuals about to come. Among the critics of his thought a very special place is occupied by Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev (1874–1948), widely considered as one of the most influential Russian philosophers. From Berdyaev’s perspective, Marx should have been perceived as a brilliant explorer in the field of philosophical anthropology. Unfortunately – Berdyaev claimed – with the passing of time Marx resigned from developing this domain and, being seduced by the atmosphere of his times, created a strongly anti-humanistic worldview. Therefore, according to Berdyaev, when reading Marx’s works, it is possible to see the “inner dialectics of humanism,” which results in “the transition of a humanism into an anti-humanism.”

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