Symptomatologia pewnego przełomu. O wewnętrznym uwikłaniu awangardy filozoficznej (z istotnym odniesieniem do metafilozofii Richarda Rorty’ego)

Karol Klugowski


The starting point for my text is a brief presentation of an extremely extreme epistemological philosophical proposition of recent years (the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries) – the so-called “general philosophy of sign and interpretation” (also called interpretationism) developed by the German philosopher Günter Abel. I extract from this thought some innovative components componentsgrom this thought, but alsonevertheless pointing out to the anachronistic nature of this philosophy, by when comparing compared it to another contemporary philosophical proposition , speculative realism. Accepting Whilst accepting the thesis of the avant-garde features of Abel’sthat philosophy, I try, at the same time, I try to reveal disclose the paradoxical in the nature of the “revolution” made carried out by it. By referring to Richard Rorty’s ideas of I show that obsolescence of making the linguistic turn obsolete, which supposedly alledgedly takes took place in the framework of speculative realism philosophy, is was not dictated prompted by having better (relative with recpect to the earlier philosophy) arguments or logical content, but by purely sheer persuasive steps that hide disguise their rhetorical character.

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