Antropologia kultury a antropologia kulturowa. Kilka refleksji na marginesie książki Grzegorza Godlewskiego

Michał Buchowski


In the article the relationship between cultural anthropology and anthropology of culture is discussed. Arguments result from the reading of Grzegorz Godlewski’s book Telescope and Radar. Essays in on Anthropological Theory of Culture. Polish cultural studies, the fundaments of which were laid almost a half century ago, inter alia, by Anna Pałubicka, have become a well-established academic discipline. One of its strands is called anthropology of culture, which, according to Godlewski, is “a postparadigmatic guise of cultural anthropology that covers same areas, but is not subordinated to the regime of a schematic system.” In the polemical manner, the author shows how merely sheer theoretical postulates of the anthropology of culture with respect to understanding the Others presented in the book, have been practiced in cultural anthropology for a very long time and are being refined today.

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