O relacji między wiedzą teoretyczną a wiedzą proceduralną w procesie kształtowania się nowożytnej chemii

Paweł Zeidler


A psychologist working at a university uses his/her professional competences in different ways: (1) as a researcher who is expected to conduct research at the highest methodological level;The research practice of chemists is mainly the laboratory one, based on procedural knowledge. However, the formation of chemistry as a modern natural science was not possible without the development of theoretical knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship, which occurred between these two types of knowledge in the period of the formation of modern chemistry. Anna Pałubicka distinguished two models of the relationship: the classic and operational one. According to the first model, the theoretical knowledge is the basis for practical activity. The second model assumes that the purpose of the experimental science is to change the world, and theoretical knowledge is strictly subordinated to this goal. The main thesis of the paper reads, that the characteristics of the relation between theoretical knowledge and procedural knowledge in modern chemistry require taking into account the methodological specificity of this science. The positions of Boyle, Stahl, Lavoisier and Dalton are analyzed in the paper, because they co-created chemistry as the modern laboratory science. (2) as a teacher who gives specialist didactic classes to undergraduate, graduate and PhD students and offers professional training courses to psychologists working in various social institutions; (3) as an expert working for such institutions as: the court, the army, schools, business sector etc.; (4) as a practitioner with his/her own therapeutic and assessment practice. The foundation for a university psychologist’s activity is not only the high level of scientific competence but also the high level of morals. In the article, the author focuses on the ethical aspects of performing the four roles listed above.

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