Okiełznać zmianę. Bezpieczeństwo ontologiczne, rozwój technologiczny a kryzys Zachodu

Katarzyna Zybertowicz, Andrzej Zybertowicz


The paper applies the notion of “ontological security” as an explanatory tool for understanding the present crises (instability) of the Western Civilisation, especially its liberal democracy embodiments. It is assumed that ontological security denotes one of universal and fundamental needs – both of individual human beings and institutional entities (the nation-state included). Ontological security is understood as the subjective need to have a sense of agency over those elements of one’s environment which are perceived as vital. The point is that in the recent decade the digital revolution has increased the dynamics of technological change much beyond the adaptability potential of human and institutional entities. In reaction to this a series of quasi-rational adjustments have emerged. That includes new domains of war violence (Ukraine, Syria), uncontrolled migration flows, support for terrorism, Eurozone crisis, Brexit, and various sorts of populist backlash. The paper recommends that in order to sort things out, i.e. to help regain ontological security, a sort of international technological moratorium needs to be introduced that would result in slowing down the pace of social change.

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