Heideggerowska filozofia drogi
Author: Sobota Daniel
Title: HEIDEGGER’S PHILOSOPHY OF THE WAY (Heideggerowska filozofia drogi)
Source: Filo-Sofija
year: 2010, vol:.10, number: 2010/1, pages: 37-72
Discipline: PHILOSOPHY
Language: POLISH
Document type: ARTICLE
Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address):
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present Heidegger’s philosophy of the way. The term of way is common in the history of philosophy. Heidegger does not use this term as a useful “metaphor”, but treats it as a fundamental figure of his thoughts. The term of way can be understood twofold: 1. way as a place used for traveling, 2. way as being-on-the-way. Heidegger joints these two meanings to create his own way of thinking. From these two meanings there come to being fundamental oppositions: hiddenness and unhiddenness, falling and raising, openness and closeness, distance and closeness, vanity and fullness. Since the shape of Heidegger’s way is a circle, we get further categories: circle of understanding, reminder, coming back, turning. Characteristics of Heidegger’s way is described by such terms like dialectics, trichotomy and being-between. All the presented categories make the questioness of being itself.
Title: HEIDEGGER’S PHILOSOPHY OF THE WAY (Heideggerowska filozofia drogi)
Source: Filo-Sofija
year: 2010, vol:.10, number: 2010/1, pages: 37-72
Discipline: PHILOSOPHY
Language: POLISH
Document type: ARTICLE
Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address):
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present Heidegger’s philosophy of the way. The term of way is common in the history of philosophy. Heidegger does not use this term as a useful “metaphor”, but treats it as a fundamental figure of his thoughts. The term of way can be understood twofold: 1. way as a place used for traveling, 2. way as being-on-the-way. Heidegger joints these two meanings to create his own way of thinking. From these two meanings there come to being fundamental oppositions: hiddenness and unhiddenness, falling and raising, openness and closeness, distance and closeness, vanity and fullness. Since the shape of Heidegger’s way is a circle, we get further categories: circle of understanding, reminder, coming back, turning. Characteristics of Heidegger’s way is described by such terms like dialectics, trichotomy and being-between. All the presented categories make the questioness of being itself.
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