O fenomenologii Boga i religii w projekcie filozoficznym Edmunda Husserla

Witold PÅ‚otka


Author: PÅ‚otka Witold
Title: ON THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF GOD AND RELIGION IN EDMUND HUSSERL’S PHILOSOPHICAL PROJECT (O fenomenologii Boga i religii w projekcie filozoficznym Edmunda Husserla)
Source: Filo-Sofija
year: 2009, vol:.9, number: 2009/1, pages: 115-132
Discipline: PHILOSOPHY
Language: POLISH
Document type: ARTICLE
Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address):
Abstract Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology could be pointed as a source of a long-term tradition of considering the question of God. Such thinkers as: Max Scheler, Martin Heidegger, Gabriel Marcel, Emmanuel Lévinas, Jean-Luc Marion, Robert Sokolowski, Henry Duméry, or Gerardus van der Leeuw used the phenomenological method to investigate the problem of God. Although all of them were connected with the phenomenological movement, none of them posed the question about the notion of God in Husserl’s phenomenology itself. This article aims at fulfilling the mentioned lack. Additionally, the article discusses the relation between Husserl – a Christian and Husserl – a philosopher. Furthermore, after introducing the phenomenological idea of reduction, three notions of God are indicated within Husserl’s phenomenology. Firstly, an operative notion of God as the model for a perfect cognition is analyzed. Secondly, Husserl uses a descriptive notion where God is equal to the moral order of the society. Thirdly, a transcendental notion of God is understood as teleology. The three notions present phenomenology as a way leading from methodological atheism to the anticipation of the ultimate God.

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