Zagadnienie obiektywności doświadczeń mistycznych

Stanisław Judycki


The problem of the objectivity of mystical experiences is considered against the background of three theses: (1) the thesis of a transhistoric and atemporal relation of each person to God; (2) thesis about the existence of degrees of mystical knowledge (here the protomistic experiences are distinguished from the mystical experience in the proper sense); (3) and the thesis that mystical experiences always have an axiological background. The author tries to demonstrate the possibility of objectivity of mystical experiences, indicates that their natural explanations will never be conclusive, defends the intersubjectivity of mystical experiences and their universality. He points out that the allegation of cultural relativity can be overridden, but he denies unification as the abolition of the ‘subject-object’ relationship and suggests that the mystical union with God consists in the experience of His special closeness.

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