Indywiduum w stirneryzmie i nietzscheanizmie. Od Jedynego do Nadczłowieka i z powrotem

Tomasz Lachowski


Tomasz Lachowski

Indywiduum w stirneryzmie i nietzscheanizmie. Od Jedynego do Nadczłowieka i z powrotem
Individual in Stirnerism and Nietzscheanism. From The Ego to the Overman and Back


The main topic of this article is to examine the relationship between Stirner and Nietzsche, which seems to be forgotten or even ignored in the Polish history of philosophy nowadays. The second point is the case of the individual in either philosophy. I attempt to reproduce the way of Stirner’s and Nietzsche’s thoughts about it and try to compare their afterthoughts. I show – on the one hand – how they interfere and overlap each other in some points; for instance, in their antihumanistic, antimetaphysical and “anti-aletheian” attitude as well as in their interest in the central problematics of nihilism, critical for understanding the individual, which does not exist yet, but which is about to turn up in both Stirnerism and Nietzscheanism. On the other hand, I show how those philosophies of the individual spread in different directions. While Stirner is content with understanding the individual (The Ego, der Einzige) as a dissolution of Being (he identifies individual with pure Nothingness [of reality]), and encourages us to proclaim ourselves Egoists/Nihilists, Nietzsche goes further: he tempts us to eschew this easy way and in exchange offers us a harder path to the new form of our Being, which is the Overman (Übermensch).

Keywords: Max Stirner, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, individual, nihilism.

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