Petera Frederica Strawsona koncepcja indywiduów: rodzaje, charakterystyka i metoda badań

Gabriela Besler


Gabriela Besler

Peter Frederic Strawson’s Conception of Individuals: Kinds, Description and Method of Investigation


The issue of individuals is one of the most important in the Strawson’s philosophy. I am going to discuss the following subjects: the criteria of being an individual, the types of individuals and the approved method of investigation of individuals. In order to be an individual, it is necessary to meet some conditions: to exist, to be identified as an individual, to be the object of reference or predication.
There are the following individuals: space-temporal individuals (particulars: material bodies and persons, processes and events) and not space-temporal individuals (that is abstract entities like concepts, types, kinds, numbers). Strawson uses two kinds of philosophical analysis: the analysis of ordinary language and connective analysis.

Keywords: Peter Frederic Strawson, individual, particular, metaphysics.

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