Kontrowersje wokół zagadnienia sprawiedliwości dystrybutywnej

Andrzej Karalus


Andrzej Karalus

Controversies over the problem of distributive justice


The article recapitulates some major conceptions of distributive justice, embedding them within the context of the classical debates carried on in the field of the political and social philosophy. ‘Distributive justice’ stands for a normative principle which defines how society should allocate scarce resources among its members. The starting point for the paper is Rawls’s famous difference principle, created in opposition to the dominating utilitarian approach. Several other ideas will be mentioned and briefly discussed, such as the egalitarian projects of Sen, Dworkin and Nozick’s libertarian conception. Subsequent reformulations of the problem of distributive justice are incomparable for they are expressed from incommensurable axiological and ideological positions regarding such fundamental questions as equality, freedom or solidarity (fraternity). The article focuses in a more detailed manner on the last proposition regarding distributive justice, that is on universal basic income (UBI), whose major proponent is Belgian academician Philippe Van Parijs. In the concluding part of the article specificity of the concept of distributive justice and its interdisciplinarity are briefly discussed.

Keywords: distributive justice, equality, freedom, solidarity, universal basic income.

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