Dialektyka twórczości Arnolda Schönberga. Uwagi na marginesie „Filozofi nowej muzyki” Theodora W. Adorno

Magdalena Krasińska


Dialectic of Arnold Schoenberg’s Work. Remarks on the Theodor W. Adorno’s Philosophy of New Music

The aim of the article is the presentation of the artist’s creative path as a process that can be grasped through dialectical formulas. The creator discussed in this publication is the composer Arnold Schoenberg and the base for the interpretation of the dialectic of his work is Adorno’s dissertation Philosophy of New Music.
Two main dialectical formulas in the context of Schoenberg’s work, which are being elaborated in this article, refer to the turns in Composer’s artistic attitude. The first formula is the transition from after-expressionist impasse to the plan of establishing an objective and historically valid model of the musical work, which results in the creation of dodecaphony. The second formula is the rejection of dodecaphony and restoring the creative independence from the material previously imposed on Composer..

Keywords: Adorno, Schoenberg, creativity, dialectic, dodecaphony, philosophy of new music.

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